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17 Mart 2016 Perşembe

‘’This Morning..On The Boulder ..We Have a Very Special Guest : Aron Ralston!’’

Hello all.Do you know him? Yess Aron Ralston.I am sure he will excite you. But before being completely in his world would you like get some pieces of his advantures first?? Ready? Okay I have a super place to do it and while doing it to get some pleasure too! Come and explore the world of Aron Ralston on wiki pages! J

This week actually  we will talk about  Wiki pages and the project i prepared with the collaboration of my friend Merve Kuru. Before mentioning our collaborative project let’s talk about the wiki pages first.

Wiki is a web site that allows the visitors themselves to easily add, remove,edit and change some avaliable content,sometimes without a need for registration.It is started by one person and it is like having a publicly accessible word processing document available online,which anyone can edit.

This week we experienced this  web site with my co-worker . We’ve created a wiki page about ‘’127 Hours’’ film review. It mentions all about the life of  an advanturer Aron Ralston, which is a real life story.  Aron Ralston gets trapped in a boulder.The film shows the experiences he has while he is in that trouble. Now, i want to talk about how we worked with my friend to create this filmreview wiki page.

First of all we’ve used Wikispaces which is a wiki web site for our project. We’ve determined to create the review of 127 Hours. We had to do some researches,collect some informations about the film. After doing all of these we started to write it. Here is our filmreview page if you'd like to check.

It was really easy process to create a wiki page. We had almost no difficulty while doing it actually. There was  advantages of being a collaborative work.It was fun to prepare this project. To collaborate with my friend ...to discuss the film,exchange information,try  to make some effective explanations about the film and stuffs. It was really really fun.

And while working on this project i’ve  realized that wiki pages can be also a beneficial assignment in teaching. The key point of this task is collaboration actually. It is a totally different asaignment from  a basic writing task. By the help of this kind of assignment  you can provide your students not to be in a passive position but to communicate  try to organize and create with the help of collaborations.

As i mentioned before; a wiki  page is an accessible word processing document. You can use it as a tool for your students in the classroom and make them more interactive and creative learners by providing them the access of adding editing and changing an avaliable content in this kind of web site.I am sure they will enjoy it! 

Hey! By the way, click here to watch the trailer of the film 127 Hours. To get some pieces more J

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