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10 Mart 2016 Perşembe

PODCASTS: An Attractive Way To Make Them LOve ! :)

Have you had any "best story" in your life ? In your childhood?? A story that taught you much? Most probably. Here is a new way to create your a taughtful and super remindful own story for your learners. PODCASTING ! Let's explore it!

Podcast is a kind of programme that you can record your own podcast on a particular topic and you can listen or watch it whenever you want to. It can be on any topic and can consists of music or video. It can be used for many puposes. It can be also useful for the aim of teaching and learning! How?? Let me explain it by introducing the process we went through with my groupmate Merve Kuru. First of all we decided to create a podcast as a creative teaching technic in terms of providing second language learners an enjoying and also educative exercise. Our target group was young learners. We created a story and recorded it by using a podcast programme named Vocaroo. You can listen our podcast receording by clicking here.It is so an easy-to-used programme that we can certainly recommend it to you.

Now, i want to tell about our story that we've created and why we think that will be an instructive and also amusing practice for young learners. As i've mentioned before; the target group of our work is young learners as a second language learning. Our story includes many basic and also needed words for the young learners. At the same time;with my fellow worker, we tried to pronounce these words clearly to understand as much as possible. That will help the learners not to have trouble while listening and also to be able to get pleasure of the task.On the other hand our podcast includes some notifier sounds and and intonations that related to the vocabularies passing in the story that will attract the learners notice and make them understand the story even when they don't know some specific words. These sound effects and intonations will also help the learners to get pleasure.

As well as it is an enjoyable and certainly an educative tool there are some difficulties to create that kind of task actually. It can be difficult for you to find suitable sound effects for your story. You may have trouble while trying to use the exact sound that you want them hear. You may have some difficulties while setting the exact intonation... stress you want them hear..maybe have to repeat it again and again..and even that process can sometimes make you crazy !

Anyway; I certainly recommend it to other teachers. Because I think it is a very good way to help young learners practice the listening exercises and also to make them fun! C'mon go and make one of you own. This story can be one that your learners will never forget !

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