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18 Mayıs 2016 Çarşamba


Ready For One More ??Now,  Click and Drag My Article J

Hello everyone. Every passing time, one more tool to teach English. For a while, me and my fellow worker Ümran Omaç have been studying on a website called Pixton ,which was assigned to us  by our Material Designing Teacher. And this article will be about our study on this amazing website. First of all, I can say that it is totally a technological wonder! I really enjoyed using it and i am sure you will, too.It is very easy to use and it  only orders you to click and drag actually as it says in its tag line. So now,it is time to  click and drag my article to learn more about Pixron!

Pixton is a technology that gives anyone  the power to create amazing cortoons and comic strips on the web.It is also  a kind of a social networking site where you can read anyone’s comic and share yours too. When you log in the website you can also see some comic strips published by other people using this site. So it also enables you to spend your time by reading these comics even if you dont want to create one of your own.And the most important thing to remember is that -it is the most attractive feature of Pixton- it is such an extremely easy-used website that all you need is click and drag motions! See one of our examples below we've created on pixton .

Pixton is actually made of a series of pannels and each of  pannels has its own setting buttons around. Pixton enables you to choose characters and properties among many and many options, give them any positions and facial expressions on the each of the pannels.Furthermore it has great many options to add any backgrounds and many options again to make some editions on the color,looks, proportions of the properties and the characters. It is such a well-designed and an easy-used website that all you need will be click and drag motions while creating your comics.It has some tutorial videos for all the settings one by one.So that will help you when you need.Moreover, you can download, print, share and save your comic to continue later. It is really amazing ! You want to see??  Click here to visit Pixton.

Actually, Pixton has some different usage options for fun, for school and business as you see on the screenshot below. It can be a good option ‘’Pixton for schools’’ to use in the classroom.It is for teacher and students use in the classrooms.It provides grading and assessment tools and also voice recording settings for the characters to enhance learning.

Pixton is free or fairly cheap.There is no much differences between its free and pro version but, Its pro-version  gives you more pannels  and also some more setting options for your comics. It is really cheap it is easier to use, i think  and definitely worths! But still there is no big difference between them you can also use its free version with your students.

To come to its educational benefits we can surely say that it is very and very advantageous.One of the facts for that is that,  it’s really easy to use and really cheap. This ease of use will surely give your students a big fun and maybe, that wil save them from the boring English learing styles.Furthermore,by the help of this kind of website you can success on making your students more engaged.I am sure they will enjoy creating these kind of cartoons on the web. And you can also prompt their engagement by grouping the students and so, providing them an interactional learning. It is also a good tool for personal learning actually.Students can create and read English comic strips on this website  so that they can improve their language skills on their own.That will definitely improve their creativity,too. And finally, you can make them proud!Enabling your students to make these king of activities will encourage them. I am sure when your students see tangible works on their hands,which they created on their own, that will give them a feeling of proud and this feeling of proud, will bring them more fun and engagement.I really and really recommend using it. I am sure you will enjoy and it will give you an ease and many more advantages while teaching your students.Now, go and try it! :)

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